• The bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis causes bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common infection of the vulva and vagina. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is the most common cause of vaginal infections in women.


    According to the Urology Channel, doctors are not sure what causes a Gardnerella vaginalis infection, but it involves changes in the make-up of bacteria in the vagina.


    The bacteria Lactobacillus that lives in the vagina helps maintain a pH level that kills off other harmful bacteria. When this pH balance is disrupted, bacteria like Gardnerella vaginalis can grow unchecked.


    According to the Urology Channel, about 50 percent of the female population have Gardnerella vaginalis in their vaginas but do not ever get an infection.

    Other Factors

    Anything from douching to the contraceptive sponge to overusing tampons can help lead to a Gardnerella vaginalis infection.


    Having multiple sexual partners and a history of sexual incidence also increases the chance of having a Gardnerella vaginalis infection, according to the Urology Channel.


    Urology Channel: Bacterial Vaginosis

    Gardnerella Vaginalis

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