• Security cameras are special video cameras designed to run for extended periods of time for surveillance purposes. They are often seen in businesses, parking garages and on some homes. There are many advantages to having security cameras, a few of which may be applicable to your needs.


    Recorded footage of shoplifting, burglary, assault or other offenses can be used as evidence in a criminal or civil trial.

    Remote Surveillance

    Some security cameras have wireless capabilities, allowing business and home owners to actively monitor the video feed from any computer with Internet access.


    The presence of a surveillance camera in a business or outside a home can be a deterrent to potential vandals or burglars.


    Employers and parents can use security cameras to monitor employees and babysitters to ensure that all duties are performed as expected.


    Businesses may be eligible for reduced insurance rates if security cameras are used, as it protects the insurance company from fraudulent claims.


    Video Surveillance Guide: Pros and Cons

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