• Genetically engineered Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, better known as rBGH and rbST, appeared on the market under the name POSILAC. The FDA approved its use in 1993 and farmers across America have been injecting the drug into dairy cows ever since.

    Is organic dairy better?

    The availability of organic products allows individuals to buy products that reduce the risk of exposure to unnatural chemicals, pesticides and toxins associated with modern farming practices.

    How does rbST affect milk production?

    The interest in rbST began when it was discovered that cows with naturally higher levels of rbST production in their pituitaries yielded higher volumes of milk, inspiring studies in which rbST was extracted from a cow's pituitary and injected into a low milk-producing cow. The result of these studies concluded that the injection of the hormone rbST did increased milk production.

    Side Effects in Cows

    According to What's Up magazine, rbST use unduly stresses cows and compromises their overall health with higher than normal reproductive problems. This has led to increased infections, which the farmers treat by administering large does of antibiotics, resulting in antibiotic residues in their products.

    Side Effects in Consumers

    Consumer groups and scientists are concerned that there might be unforeseen side effects and strongly caution the altering of the food supply. Many fear that we as consumers are being exposed to an increase in allergies and cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer, though the consumption of rbST-treated products. Both the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) and the Consumer's Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, have warned of the potential hazards to human health caused by consuming products derived from rbST-treated cows.

    Banning BGH Products

    There has been speculation that the added hormones might lead to an increase in cancer, but these theories remain unproven. According to Organic Valley, rbST is prohibited in Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and in the 27 countries of the European Union. The FDA states that there are no known side effects of rbST on consumers. At this time, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved it for use in the United States.


    Whats Up Magazine: Got rBGH?

    Organic Valley: Frequently Asked Questions About rBGH

    Organic Consumers Association: Consumer Warning

    More Information:

    Associated Content: 5 Reasons Why Organic Dairy is Better

    New York Times: Articles About Genetic Engineering

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