• A stupor depression is much more severe than mild or moderate depression. It is a depressed mental state in which the sufferer is extremely unresponsive.

    Causes of Stupor

    The medical state known as "stupor," a state of lessened awareness and response, can be caused by alcoholism, drug overdose, viral infections such as encephalitis, epilepsy seizures, diabetic or insulin shock, sleep disorders, stroke, schizophrenia and depression. Stupor caused by depression is known as "stupor depression."


    A stupor depression is a severe depressive episode in which the patient is non-responsive, unable to function, sleeps constantly and often must be treated in a psychiatric inpatient unit, according to the Mental Health Sanctuary website on Depression Criteria.

    Causes of Stupor Depression

    Preexisting mental conditions can be a significant cause of stupor depression. Conditions can include schizophrenia, psychotic depression and major depression with psychotic symptoms, according to the Mental Health Sanctuary website.

    Manic Depression

    Stupor depression is considered the most severe form of manic depression, or bipolar disorder, according to a Cambridge University website on Bipolar Disorders and Major Depression.

    Other Causes

    Stupor depression can have contributing organic causes, including alcohol, drugs, injury, aging and endocrine disorders such as Cushing's disease, symptoms of which are depression and extreme fatigue, according to the Organic Psychiatric Disorders website.

    Source: Stupor and Depression Bipolar Disorders and Depression Depression Criteria

    More Information: Organic Psychiatric Disorders

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