• Low thyroid function, also known as hypothyroidism, is when the body is not producing enough hormones necessary to keep functions running smoothly. The Mayo Clinic notes that in the early stages of hypothyroidism it may be difficult to notice adverse symptoms.

    Early Signs

    Fatigue and sluggishness are the typical early signs of low thyroid, but usually progress as the condition worsens.

    Advanced Symptoms

    Advanced symptoms indicating hypothyroidism include pale and dry skin, increased sensitivity to heat and cold, unexplained weight gain, increased blood cholesterol levels and heavier than normal menstrual periods.


    Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease, according to the Mayo Clinic. In rare cases, coma and death can result from an untreated low thyroid.

    Risk Factors

    Women are much more likely to have low thyroid function, according to the Mayo Clinic. Those over 50 are even more susceptible to developing hypothyroidism.


    Once a low thyroid function is diagnosed through blood tests, treatment is usually as simple as taking a daily prescribed synthetic thyroid hormone.


    Mayo Clinic: Hypothyroidism

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