• Cardiovascular exercise, a healthy diet and a proper amount of sleep every day can lead to a healthier heart.

    Cardiovascular Activity

    The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart, blood and blood vessels. Exercising this system will improve the strength and functioning of the heart.

    Healthy Eating

    Maintaining a diet that is low in fat is also key. Excessive amounts of fat can block arteries and slow the flow of blood, leading to serious health problems like a heart attack.


    Getting a proper amount of rest is also shown to improve heart health. An ideal amount of sleep is at least six to seven hours.


    Cardiovascular activity does not refer only to intense weight lifting or spinning classes. It could be a long walk or light jog.

    Expert Insight

    These three activities go together well. Eating four to six smaller meals a day will curb hunger and exercising later in the day can help you fall asleep.


    "NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training"; Michael A. Clark, Ed., Scott C. Lucett, Ed., Rodney J. Corn, Ed.; Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

    WebMD: Sleep and Heart Health

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