• When a nurse or doctor takes your blood pressure, the lower number is the diastolic number. Ideally, this number should be below 90. It is imperative to keep this number low to avoid the risk of hypertension and the subsequent concern about heart disease and stroke. Luckily, there are many natural ways to lower your blood pressure, including its diastolic number.

    Dietary Changes

    One of the easiest changes you can make to lower blood pressure is to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet. High sodium increases your diastolic blood pressure. Reduce your sodium intake, and aim for no more than 1,000mg of sodium per day, according to Dr. Julin Whitaker, founder of the Whitaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, California. In Bill Gottlieb's book "Alternative Cures," not only does Dr. Whitaker recommend limiting salt, he also states that water is one of the best remedies for high blood pressure. He suggests that you drink as much as 15 glasses of water per day, which mimics the effects of most blood pressure medications. Water helps to relax the arteries; tight, restricted arteries are one of the main causes of high blood pressure. Limit your consumption of fried, fatty foods, too. Opt for more fresh fruits and vegetables. Bananas, in particular, have high levels of potassium, which can help to lower blood pressure dramatically by lowering sodium levels. Strive to eat at least two bananas per day. Fruits and vegetables also supply a lot of fiber, which is another food component that can help to lower blood pressure.

    Fish Oil

    Lower your intake of artery-clogging saturated fat and boost levels of omega-3 fatty acids. The beneficial, omega-3 fats are found in cold-water fish and can help to lower blood pressure. Eat fish daily or even twice a day if possible. Salmon, mullet, sardines and lake trout all have high levels of omega-3. If you can't stand the thought of eating that much fish, take a fish oil supplement. Take seven capsules per day, each containing 1,000mg per capsule.

    Supplements and Herbs

    Supplements and herbs also can help to lower blood pressure naturally. Magnesium relaxes arteries, which helps to lower blood pressure. Dr. Whitaker recommends taking 500 to 1,000mg of magnesium divided into three doses per day. Check with your doctor before adding this supplement if you have a heart condition. The herb hawthorn helps to relax arteries, and after you have taken it for a while and it has reduced your blood pressure levels, you can stop taking it. Plan on a dose of 250mg daily until your blood pressure normalizes. Garlic has strong blood pressure-lowering properties. Eat as much fresh garlic as possible. If you prefer to avoid garlic's aroma, opt for supplements and take them according to their package directions. Garlic is safe to take indefinitely.


    Regular exercise is crucial for lowering blood pressure and maintaining a health lifestyle. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise four times a week is optimal. Regular exercise relaxes the arteries and decreases stress. It also can aid in weight loss; being overweight puts you at risk for high blood pressure.


    "Alternative Cures;" Bill Gottlieb; 2000

    eMedTV: Diastolic Blood Pressure

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