• Peasants in medieval times were very poor and had little money to spend on clothing. The clothes they used were rough and scratchy, often made from simple materials such as sheep's wool and cotton (which did not need to be imported or skinned from wild animals).


    Men in the peasant caste typically wore a rough wool or cotton blouse over their torso, which could be cinched shut by a belt at the waist. Women would wear kirtles, which were longer blouses stretching down to their ankles; the colors would be simple and earthen, since dyes were expensive.

    Trousers and Breeches

    Men of the peasant caste would wear tight trousers or breeches around their legs. As with most articles of peasant clothing, they would be made from wool or cotton, with perhaps a belt made of leather.


    A peasant's shoes were tough, able to withstand sharp stones and other dangers on the ground. They were usually made of leather as well.


    During cold weather, a peasant would wear a thick woolen overcoat, cloak or mantle in order to stave off the chill.


    Peasants rarely wore hats, which were a symbol of higher social ranks, but during cold or wet weather they would don a simple woolen head cover.


    Medieval Life: Clothing Medieval Peasant Clothing

    Seat of Mars: Elizabethan Clothing

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