• One of the most important parts of a vehicle to keep lubricated is the steering column. A poorly lubricated system can cause damage to the vehicle and is also a constant source of irritation. There is no reason to pay someone expensive fees to do the job, however. The process of lubricating the steering column can be done at home instead.

    Steering Column Parts

    There are several different pieces to each steering column, and it is the connections and joints between the different parts that need lubrication. Pieces of the steering column constantly rub against each other, which can not only cause an irritating sound while driving, but it can also damage the steering column itself. It is the intermediate shaft and the U-joints along with firewall column and the shaft brushing that require the most lubrication. The steering column also can sometimes require lubrication where it connects to the axle. Since these pieces constantly are in motion and grind against each other, it is important that they be well-lubricated. Proper lubrication of any and all ball bearings is also essential.

    Lubrication Options

    There are two main options when choosing a lubricant to use on a steering column. The first option is petroleum-based lubricants. These are derived from crude oil from the ground and are the most used lubrication type in the automotive industry. The alternative to traditional petroleum-based lubricants are synthetic lubricants. Synthetic lubricants are created in labs from synthetic chemical compounds. These lubricants can look like traditional oil-based lubrication, or they can also come in gel form. Some people worry about the compatibility and performance of synthetic lubricant systems, but according to Wolverine Synthetics, synthetic oils perform as well as petroleum lubes. However, it is recommended that either petroleum or synthetic lubes be used, not both together.


    Lubricating a steering column is a simple process. First the steering column has to be removed from the vehicle. This may require some special tools, depending on the make of the vehicle. Check your car's manual to see how to remove the steering column from your car. You will probably want to use a lubrication syringe. This makes applying lubrication into small areas easier. Extend the intermediate shaft to its full length. Apply lubrication into the yoke openings on either side of the shaft. Apply lubrication to any moving piece of the steering column, paying special attention to ball bearings. When finished, replace the steering column.


    Chassis Works: Steering Column Components

    NYE Lubricants: Steering Column Lubricants

    J Body: Steering Lubrication

    More Information:

    Wolverrine: Synthetic Lube Myths

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