• Asbestos consists of a group of mineral fibers that are often used in construction materials, clothes, ropes and car parts because the fibers are strong and resistant to heat. However, the fibers can become airborne and cause serious health problems if they are inhaled.


    Asbestosis is a chronic benign respiratory disease caused by fibers becoming lodged in lungs and scarring lung tissue.

    Lung Cancer

    Lung cancer occurs when one or more tumors grows and spreads in the lungs. People who have worked with asbestos are much more likely to contract lung cancer.


    Mesothelioma is a cancer of the membrane that lines the lungs, chest and abdomen. It has been linked almost exclusively to those who have been exposed to asbestos.

    Other Cancer

    People exposed to asbestos have been shown to be more likely to contract other cancers, including those of the larynx, esophagus and colon.

    Exposing Others

    Family members of workers exposed to asbestos have also been shown to be more susceptible to asbestos-related health risks, as those workers typically transport asbestos via their clothes and hair into their homes.


    Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos: About Asbestos

    Simmons Attorneys at Law: Diseases Linked to Asbestos

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