• Brain cancer is a condition in which tumors, or clusters of abnormal cells, develop and grow within the tissue of the brain. The severity of the effects of brain cancer depend upon the location of the tumor, or tumors, and the rate at which they grow.

    Brain Cancer Treatment

    The treatment modality is not only dependent on the location of the tumor, but the overall condition of the patient. Brain cancer treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy; these may be employed singularly or in combination.

    Radiation Treatment

    Brain cancer radiation treatment involves applying direct beams of specific types of energy (protons, x-rays, gamma rays) to the tumor, or tumors. This type treatment is used to kill the cancer cells and to reduce, or shrink, the tumor, itself.

    Radiation Treatment Effects

    The applied beam of radiation disrupts the ability of the cells to reproduce, or multiply, which in turn slows, or stops the growth of the tumor. The beams are carefully directed to the site of the tumor as healthy cells are also susceptible; however, these cells can recover and resume normal functioning.


    There are different types of brain cancer radiation treatment, ranging from those which are used to target specific, small tumors, to that which is used as a whole brain treatment to target several tumors. The type of energy beams used varies with each type of therapy.

    Time Frame

    The duration and frequency of radiation treatments is dependent upon the overall goal of the treatment. Treatment may be a single dose, or a series of daily doses administered over several weeks.


    Brain Tumors

    Radiation Therapy for Cancer

    Radiation Therapy for Brain Cancer

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