• T-cell lymphoma occurs when a type of white blood cell known as lymphocytes mutate. This mutation causes the cells to grow uncontrollably, forming cancerous tumors that require treatment to prevent the spread of the cells to other parts of the body.


    In adults, T-cell lymphoma is caused by a virus known as HTLV-1, which sometimes leads to the changes in the genetic structure lymphocytes in infected patients, according to Doctors do not know how this virus is transmitted in order to prevent it, nor do they understand what causes T-cell lymphoma in children.


    Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma develops in the lymphocytes found in your skin, while the systemic form of the disease may occur in any other part of your body, explains the Lymphoma Research Foundation. T-cell lymphoma may be aggressive, meaning it grows and spreads quickly, or slow-growing.


    Often, T-cell lymphoma causes no symptoms when it first develops. As the disease progresses, symptoms may begin like swollen lymph nodes, abdominal pain or swelling, chest pain, difficulty breathing, fatigue, fever, night sweats and weight loss, reports the Mayo Clinic.


    To diagnose T-cell lymphoma, doctors rely upon urine and blood tests, imaging like X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) and lymph node or bone marrow biopsies. In addition to confirming that the disease is present, doctors use these tests to determine the type of T-cell lymphoma.


    The most common treatment for T-cell lymphoma is chemotherapy, which involves using prescription medications to destroy cancerous cells. Medications used for T-cell lymphoma chemotherapy include cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone, ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide and germcitabine.

    Source: T-Cell Lymphomas

    Lymphoma Research Foundation: T-Cell Lymphomas

    Mayo Clinic: Non-Hodkin's Lymphoma

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