• Human teeth begin forming in the womb, long before birth. If properly cared for, they can last a lifetime. Among many other benefits, daily brushing ensures a healthy, beautiful smile.

    Proper Brushing

    Dentists recommend brushing for two minutes twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. advises small, gentle strokes that won't wear down your teeth, and brushing all surfaces of the teeth, as well as the gums and tongue.

    Prevent Decay

    Daily brushing prevents the buildup of plaque, a sticky, white substance that causes tooth decay. The bacteria in plaque create acid that breaks down enamel, leading to cavities and infection, reports Delta Dental.

    Prevent Gum Disease

    In addition to tooth decay, inadequate brushing can cause gingivitis and other gum diseases. This leads to the breakdown of bones and gum tissue and may eventually cause teeth to fall out, warns WebMD.

    Keep Breath Fresh

    Bacteria in the mouth not only cause decay and gum disease, but bad breath as well. Daily brushing removes the bacteria and maintains good breath.

    Maintain Smile

    Proper brushing also has cosmetic benefits---teeth will stay white and require less dental intervention, such as fillings and crowns.


    WebMD: Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth

    Colgate: Teeth-Brushing Techniques

    Delta Dental: Five Steps to a Beautiful Smile

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