• Leukotrienes are inflammatory molecules that are released by most cells in your body during an asthma attack, according to the British Medical Journal (BMJ). These molecules are primarily responsible for bronchoconstriction, and can trigger attacks and increase their frequency.

    Bronchial Hyperreactivity

    Bronchial hyper-reactivity, or smooth muscle twitchiness, is caused by molecules called eosinophils. These molecules are brought to the bronchioles by leukotrienes.


    Luekotrienes come from arachidonic acid, according to BMJ. This acid is the precursor to prostaglandins.


    There are two families of leukotrienes, according to BMJ. One family acts when inflammation is brought about by nuetrophils, while the other (cysteinyl leukotrienes) works with eosinophils.


    There are drugs that interfere with leukotrienes available. They can inhibit leukotrine production, lowering the chance of asthma attack.


    Diet plays a large part in leukotriene production, according to Fish oil may reduce production, as could adding pygeum, butterbur, or boswellia to your diet.


    BMJ/What are leukotrienes and how do they work in asthma? Modifier Information

    More Information:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Asthma

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