• According to the Mayo Clinic, oral health is essential to preventing gum disease, which has been linked to other health issues. However, even if you brush and floss daily, dental problems can occur. These problems may cause extreme discomfort and pain. Fortunately, contacting an on-call dentist, emergency clinic or dental directory service can help.

    On Call Dentist

    Contact your regular dental office. In emergency situations, some dentists will meet you at their office to handle the problem, while others will refer you to a local emergency clinic. The on-call dentist can evaluate your symptoms and determine if immediate medical attention is needed. They can also provide recommendations for temporary "fixes" until your appointment. For example, if you've lost a crown, they might recommend that you visit a drugstore and purchase a temporary crown paste until the doctor can set up an emergency appointment.

    Emergency Clinics

    Check out regional hospitals that have a dental residency program. These programs have residents on call, who can provide emergency dental appointments. Dental schools in your area may also have an emergency facility, where dental care can be found. Another way to find emergency clinics in your area is to contact your health insurance provider. They can look up local emergency dental facilities in your region.

    Dental Directories

    If you don't have a regular dentist, a dental directory (see Resources for a link) can connect you with an emergency clinic in your area. Or try a consumer-driven directory such as Yelp. These directories allow you to find emergency dental clinics that are rated well by users.


    Mayo Clinic: Oral Health

    Medline Plus: Dental Health

    More Information:

    1-800-Dentist: Dental Directory

    Yelp: Dental Directory

    Magic Yellow: Emergency Dental Services

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