• Broken capillaries and blood vessels can occur anywhere on the body, though they frequently appear on the cheeks, nose, abdomen and legs. They are also known as spider veins for the web-like pattern they cause just below the skin's surface. There are several causes for this condition.


    Heredity may play a big part in who is prone to experiencing broken capillaries and blood vessels under skin. In fact, most individuals who suffer from the condition have inherited it, and in these cases it is not preventable.


    Weight gain and obesity can contribute to broken capillaries and blood vessels, as extra pounds weaken vein valves and cause them to break, leading to spider veins. Increased weight and pressure from pregnancy can also cause veins to enlarge.


    Tight jeans, a tight belt or any constrictive clothing may also be a culprit, as is, at times, constipation.

    Hormonal Changes

    Hormones, birth control pills, postmenopausal hormone replacement treatments, pregnancy hormones, puberty and menopause can all cause broken capillaries and blood vessels.


    Standing for long periods of time can cause spider veins, especially in legs. Accordingly, teachers, nurses, factory employees and hair salon workers are all susceptible to this phenomenon.


    Overexposure to the sun, as well as aging, is another culprit. Treating these conditions with sunscreen, retinol products and creams prescribed by a doctor, as well as avoiding harsh scrubs on the skin, can all help.


    Life123: Causes of Broken Capillaries

    Melbourne Dermatology: Causes of Broken Capillaries

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