• Dostinex is a medication available by prescription only and is often identified by its generic name, cabergoline. It is usually taken twice per week and works to treat conditions associated with abnormally large amounts of the hormone prolactin. According to RxList, high levels of this hormone can cause unusual breast milk production.

    Special Considerations

    The safety and effectiveness of treating children with Dostinex has not been established, so use it with extreme caution. There may also be risks associated with using Dostinex while pregnant, so discuss these with your doctor. Additionally, do not use Dostinex while breastfeeding.

    Mild Side Effects

    Common side effects of Dostinex are typically mild and can include indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dizziness, headache and weakness or fatigue.

    Severe Side Effects

    Dostinex may also cause more severe side effects, which require immediate medical attention, such as behavioral changes (aggression and unusual sexual or gambling urges). It may also cause chest pain, fainting, confusion, hallucinations, visual disturbances, irregular heartbeat and swelling of the feet or hands.


    Some pre-existing medical conditions may preclude the use of Dostinex. These can include certain allergies, high blood pressure, heart valve complications and liver problems.


    Other medications and over-the-counter supplements can interact with Dostinex, including butyrophenones, macrolides and phenothiazines. In additional, you should discuss the effects of alcoholic beverage consumption with your doctor.

    Source: Dostinex

    RxList: Dostinex

    More Information:

    MedlinePlus: Prolactin

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