• Creating and selling gift baskets can be a fun and profitable business. Effective marketing is one of the most important aspects of your business. After working hard to create beautiful baskets and display your creativity, ensure that you are taking the right steps to get the baskets sold in order for your business to thrive.


    In order to compete as a small business in today's world, you must take advantage of online marketing tools. Create a simple website that describes your gift baskets and offers many attractive examples to view. Ensure that your website is easy to navigate and contains a prominent "Contact Us" link on the homepage. Blogging is another way to take advantage of Internet marketing. You will be able to reach a new audience by starting a blog and writing in a conversational manner about your products and even about the meaning of various holidays and occasions for which your baskets can be used.

    Newspaper Advertising

    While the Internet has become a main source of information for a large group of potential customers, newspaper advertising is still a good way to reach consumers age 45 and older. Target your newspaper advertisement to the appropriate market by placing it in a section that is closely related to your audience such as sports, business or lifestyle, just to name a few. The cost of your newspaper advertisement will depend on the size you choose and how often it will appear in the newspaper. Daily advertisements are costlier so consider placing it in the special weekend sections. In addition to saving money, the advertisement is more likely to be seen because people spend more time on the weekends leisurely looking through the newspaper and even anticipate the special sections where your advertisement will appear.

    Direct Mail

    Direct mail is an affordable and effective way to market your gift baskets. Purchase a mailing list from a reputed source and be sure to ask how old the list is and the number of times it has been used recently. An introductory letter, flier, reply card or coupon are examples of direct mail pieces that could benefit your gift basket business. However, you can be as creative as you wish. Begin with a small mail campaign in order to gauge the response. You do not want to send out an enormous mailing as you may not be able to handle a large response in a timely manner. Plan your direct mailings around the most popular holidays for your gift baskets. For example, prior to spring you could send out an advertisement displaying some baskets you have created for Easter or Mother's Day.

    Word of Mouth

    Word of mouth is one of the most effective marketing tools for small businesses. Let all friends, family and acquaintances know about your gift baskets and ask them to spread the word. Offer pictures or a sample basket so they are entirely familiar with the product they are mentioning. Additionally, kindly ask satisfied customers to spread the word about your business and offer literature they can pass on.


    Join a reputable association dedicated to the support of individuals in the gift basket business. Associations such as The National Specialty Gift Association and The Gift Basket Association offer resources and networking opportunities for gift basket professionals.

    Business Networking

    Join a chamber of commerce or similar local organization dedicated to business networking. Corporate gift baskets are very popular and this is an important segment of the market to target. Research the businesses in your area and create a basket line that appeals to these types of businesses.


    Power Home Biz: Gift Basket Marketing

    More Information:

    The Internet Digest: Direct Mail

    National Specialty Gift Association

    The Gift Basket Association

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