• Microsoft Office Access is database software that allows users to track information. Access features built in wizards and applications that make it suitable for beginners to use. It has numerous Visual Basic and SQL functions to sort, input and filter information.

    Date Function

    If the user inputs Date(), Access will return the current date. The function can also be used in Visual Basic with an assigned name and in SQL with a query.


    Similar to the date function, the time function returns the current time. The user inputs Time().


    The Avg function gives the mean of a selected set of numbers. To use the average function, the user inputs Avg (expression).


    The sum function gives the sum of a selected group of numbers. The syntax "sum (expression)" is used.


    For both the avg and sum functions, "expression" refers to a numeric value, either a formula or a field.


    Tech on the Net: Access Functions

    Mircosoft: Access Home Page

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