• Options are a type of derivative security. Options have been standardized to allow an active, regulated market where traders and investors can use options to set up a wide variety of trading strategies.


    An option contract is the right to buy or sell an underlying security for a specific price for a set period of time. The underlying asset can be individual stocks, stock indexes, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or futures contracts.


    A call option is the right to buy the underlying security and a put option is the right to sell the security. The option holder has the right to exercise the option and a seller must fulfill the contract by delivering or buying the underlying security if a contract is exercised.


    Option contracts are for a specific price of the underlying security called the strike price. Options expire according to a standard schedule. Options can have expiration dates from one month and up to two years. Options will trade over a range of strike prices and expiration dates for a specific underlying asset.


    Option traders can buy or sell or use combinations of contracts to achieve a specific trading strategy. Strategies range from very conservative to extremely risky. A significant amount of study is required to understand the possible ramifications of option trades.


    The purchase of call or put options allow traders to earn significant profits with a small capital outlay if the underlying security makes a big price move in the right direction. Option sellers can generate extra income from their securities holdings.

    Expert Insight

    The Chicago Board Options Exchange and Options Clearing Corp. provide a detailed document that explains in detail how options function. The Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options linked is in the Resources section.


    Options Industry Council: What is an Option?

    More Information:

    CBOE: Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options

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