• the local pet store is the best way to go. The chain stores(i.e. petland, petsmat, petco, walmart, woolworth some k-mart) don't really take care of the fish, they ony are concerned on selling the fish for profit. these employees don't have the knowledge in treating fish for parasites, diseases, what the fish eats, what temp to have them at. they should have a sign that says "purchase at your own risk." you'd be lucky if a fish is healthy by chance. another to look into is your private breeders who sell fish out of their homes, they know more of the ins and outs of the fish world, plus a healthy stock for breeding yourself. best to have on hand is fish cillin, Maracyn Plus, Stress coat, Bio gold betta pellete food, testing kit to test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, hardness, chlorine, alkalinity, and pH (freshwater), and water should be stable at 80F to 84F degrees since they are tropical fish. bettas should never be in a tiny bowl. i don't care what anyone says, they need at least a 5 gallon tank, if breeding a 10 to 20 gallon. tank you probaly can get away with a 3 gallon if you are just going to have one betta and not mate. you can get a kit that has a light bulit in the lid, aeration filter- make sure it is a gentle flow- bettas don't like strong current. you need to purchase separately: gravel, and couple plastic plant(s) small or medium size. couple of bottom feeders-- panda cory cat (the betta doesn't bother them at all) they don't grow much and they are better in small groups or 3 or 4, one cory cat is mostly shy and unhappy and may die of lonliness. also a 25 watt heater to keep the water at a temp of 82 to 84 degrees. best heater that i use is theo by hydor (bought it from like i said sales people will try to convince you that bettas don't need much.., that is full of ****. my dad was a private breeder, he raised bettas & powder blue & green Discus fish for 15 years and would sell them to local aqauriums that only dealt in fish only. I almost forgot the most important is the "fish bible" on bettas, make sure it is detailed, especially in the diseases, symptoms and treatment department. you can mix it up with two different color bettas for breeding, but the fry's will come out different and if constantly breeding & mixing complimentary colors you may get a rare black onyx betta- they are also hard to keep and breed, the chances are 1 in a million. try a orange betta with a powder green betta, blue with a yellow, orange with yellow. have at least a 20 gallon with dividers for several males and a 10 gallon with dividers with several females. and a breeding tank plus alot of large bowls for the fry when they are at the stage of separating them. Breeding is alot of patients, hard work, perseverance and alot of tanks and bowls plus you can sell offspring to the local fish aquariums. sorry, i had alot to add this morning. I hope I helped. I wish my dad was still alive to give you more pointers he was the "go to fish expert" on Bettas and Discus fish. he passed away 16 and a half years ago at 77yrs of age w/ agressive pancreatic cancer.
  • If your from the USA then here's a good place to start

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