• Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. The higher blood pressure rises above that point, the greater the risk of developing high blood pressure. In most cases, doctors don't know what causes high blood pressure (hypertension) in a particular patient. "In 90 to 95 percent of high blood pressure cases, the cause is unknown," according to the American Heart Association.

    Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure often causes no symptoms. Occasional symptoms include headache, nosebleeds and dizzy spells.

    Health Problems Caused by High Blood Pressure

    Untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart failure, aneurysm, stroke, kidney damage, visual impairment and problems with memory and concentration. High blood pressure usually responds well to treatment, but occasionally it does not.

    How Disabling Is It?

    High blood pressure itself is not usually disabling. However, if it causes a stroke, kidney damage, visual impairment, or other serious health problems, those things can be disabling.

    Social Security Disability Insurance

    Social Security maintains a list of conditions that might be disabling, with specific criteria for how they determine if a person is disabled by those conditions. That list does not include high blood pressure. If someone suffers a stroke or loses his vision or has other serious health problems caused by high blood pressure, though, he may qualify for Social Security due to those conditions.

    State Disability Coverage

    Some states provide disability coverage if someone is unable to work due to a medical condition. The conditions covered vary from state to state.


    Mayo Clinic: High Blood Pressure

    Social Security: Disability Evaluation -- Cardiovascular System State Disability Insurance Benefits

    More Information:

    American Heart Association: High Blood Pressure

    Social Security: Disability Benefits

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