• Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by alternating episodes of depression and mania. ADHD is a disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, poor impulse control and hyperactivity. These disorders may occur together as co-morbid conditions.


    According to a study conducted by the American Psychiatric Association, patients with ADHD and bipolar may be effectively treated with a combination of mood stabilizers and stimulants. In the study, the mood stabilizer was given first for a period of several weeks, and then the stimulant was added after bipolar symptoms were in control.


    According to ADDitude, about 20 percent of those children who suffer from ADHD also suffer from bipolar disorder.


    ADDitude explains that ADHD and bipolar disorder may occur together or be mistaken for one another. Both conditions may include symptoms such as restlessness, excessive talking, impatience, irritability, hyperactivity and mood instability.

    ADHD Treatment

    ADHD is typically treated with stimulants such Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall or Dexadrine. Nonstimulant medications such as Strattera may also be used, especially when anxiety is present.

    Bipolar Treatment

    Bipolar disorder may be treated with Lithium, anti-convulsant medications such as Depakote, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications and anti-psychotic medications.


    Psychiatry Online: Treating ADHD and Bipolar

    ADDitude: Co-morbid ADHD and Bipolar Disorder

    Mayo Clinic: ADHD Treatment

    More Information:

    Mayo Clinic: Bipolar Treatment

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