• An operating system is the instruction set that tells the computer how to interpret the software applications that do almost everything. Windows is Microsoft's flagship product, the operating system that has run most of the personal computers in the world since the 1990s. In 2009, they introduced their latest version, Windows 7. Most PCs come with Windows, but you can install it yourself.


    The installation process is essentially the same whether you're using Windows 7 or an earlier version like Windows XP and whether the computer you're putting it on is a laptop or a desktop model, as long as it has enough hard drive space and memory (called RAM) to meet the minimum requirements.

    What You'll Need

    You have to have a copy of Windows on a CD or DVD and the product key (a serial number Microsoft puts on the package for security purposes). Ideally, your computer will have a working Internet connection so you can register it, but that can be done separately. Before beginning the installation, make a back-up copy of all your software and files since the Windows install will erase whatever is on the hard drive.

    Get Started

    When you start running the Windows CD, it will open a Welcome page---press "Enter" when it says so. Remember, your mouse will not work at this point if you're installing XP, so everything goes through the keyboard. Windows 7 will install the drivers it needs first. When promoted on screen, choose your language, currency denominations and set the date, using the pull down menus in Win7 (this comes later for XP). In either case, you will need to scroll through the Licensing Agreement and accept it to move forward. After completing each step, press the "Next" button (Win7) or "Enter" when prompted. In XP, you'll press "F8" to choose an installation hard drive. In Win7, you'll choose "Install Now" and "Custom" when asked, then select everything in the "Custom" box. Wait while Windows installs. This can take up to an hour, then it will reboot itself.

    Naming Rights

    Enter in your username and name the computer on the Computer Name and Administrator Password page so it can be identified if you put it on a network. Then put in a password and retype it. Make a note of the password and put it in a safe place away from the computer. As the Administrator, you'll be able to perform tasks like install programs and set up user accounts. Choose the default settings for Automatic Upgrades, unless you have good reasons not to. Windows will ask for your product key now. Then it will connect to Microsoft through the Internet to activate Windows. You can choose to activate after making sure it all works first.


    Microsoft Support

    More Information:

    Windows XP Installation

    Windows 7 Installation

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