• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Smith Machines are Good Spotters

    Smith machines offer a safe way to get a free weight-type of work out when you do not have a lifting partner to spot you. Smith machines guide the up-and-down motion of your body, and you can lock the weight in place if you cannot lift anymore. Smith machines allow a lifter to increase weight limits because the weight does not have to be stabilized.

    On the Other: Smith Machines May Cause Injury

    Because Smith machines do not mimic the natural motion of a bench press or squat---and you are not using your stabilizing muscles--lifters who use smith machines may not have the same muscle gains as those using a true free-weight system. Furthermore, because you are not using stabilizing muscles, you could be more prone to injury when attempting a physical activity where those muscles are required.

    Bottom Line

    Using a Smith machine is a wise choice when you work out late at night or do not have a work out partner, but some free weights should be scheduled into your routine to use your stabilizing muscles and avoid injury.


    FitHacker.Com: Smith Machines, Good or Bad?

    BeFitAndStrong.Com: Smith Machines, The Worst Piece of Equipment

    More Information:

    WeightLiftingComplete.Com: The Hotly Debated Smith Machine

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