• Head trauma may be caused by any injury that damages the scalp, brain or skull. Head trauma may be a mild bump on the head, or a more severe incident such as an injury to the brain.


    Head trauma is separated into two categories. A closed head injury means that there has been a blow to the head, but the skull remained intact. An open head injury occurs when an object strikes the head and penetrates the skull, causing damage to the brain.


    Some of the most common causes of head trauma are automobile accidents, falls, assault, accidents at work or participating in sports. Serious head trauma may result in bleeding inside the brain, which may cause permanent brain damage.


    Serious head trauma can cause long-term symptoms such as chronic headaches, seizures, loss of sensations, paralysis, speech and language problems.


    The symptoms of a head trauma may include slurred speech, change in facial features, seizures, change is the pupils of the eyes, fluid draining from the mouth, nose or ears, a drop in blood pressure, headache, lack of coordination, unusual behavior and vomiting.


    Head trauma can cause a minor concussion or contusion or extensive brain damage. It is important to seek medical attention for any type of head trauma.


    Medline Plus: Head Injury Head Injury Causes,Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

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