• Facial warts are often a cause for embarrassment and social stigma. Folk tales regarding toads and witches have no basis in fact, and warts can be a cause for insecurity leading to the search for treatment.


    Warts are caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus group, the same virus family that can result in cervical cancer if genital warts are untreated. Over 100 viruses are in this group.


    Facial warts are usually flat and have a similar color to the surrounding flesh. Occasionally, according to the National Institutes of Health (, facial warts will look more like common warts with a bumpy surface.

    Contagious to Yourself

    Warts will spread to other parts of your body via the virus. They usually begin on the hands and from there spread to the face, says

    Contagious to Others states that warts are also contagious to others. It is possible to get warts on the face from infected towels and skin-to-skin contact.


    Warts will eventually go away on their own, but you also have several treatment options available. Consult your doctor if a wart suddenly grows, begins bleeding or develops red streaks.

    Source: Warts

    National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health: Warts

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