• Prostate cancer in dogs is fatal. Without treatment, most dogs live only one month after being diagnosed. Fortunately, there are some preventive measures dog owners can take, as well as some treatments that will prolong your dog's life and ease pain.

    Diagnosing Prostate Cancer in Your Dog

    Watch for symptoms of canine prostate cancer: frequent urination, blood in the urine, constipation or sluggishness. Prevent cancer by avoiding processed foods. A vet can perform x-rays, prostate ultrasounds or blood counts if your dog exhibits signs.

    Realize Neutering is Not a Practical Solution to the Problem

    Neutering will not shrink the prostate. Testosterone is not related to the cause of the disease.

    Increase Your Dog's Years of Life With Chemotherapy and Radiation

    Shrinking the prostate with chemotherapy and radiation can increase the time the dog lives from 30 days after diagnosis to a year. Shrinking the prostate does not, however, guarantee relief from the pain he suffers. Radiation therapy uses gamma rays to penetrate the cancerous cells and prevent cell divisions, therefore preventing the spread of the cancer.

    Consider the Advantages & Disadvantages of Surgery

    Removing the mass or cancerous cyst in the prostate gland by surgery is done with the dog under anesthesia. It can help the dog live longer but can cause complications, such as urinary incontinence.

    Use Natural Methods and Prevention

    Using herbs and natural supplements do not cure the cancer. They can boost the immune system and help your dog deal with discomfort.


    Vet Info: Treatment Options for Dogs with Prostate Cancer

    Vet Info: Surgical Treatment for Prostate Cancer in Dogs

    Shirley's Wellness Cafe: Animal Diseases and their Natural Care

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