• Many people suffer from severe and chronic migraines on a daily basis. As technology and scientific research has progressed, treatment for migraines has been supplemented by migraine medicine designed to alleviate the pain of migraine headaches. The ingredients vary within each drug.


    Triptans are the most common form of prescription treatment for migraines. Triptans, part of the tryptamine family of drugs, are primarily derived from chemicals found within plants, animals and fungi.


    Ergotamine is often used to treat migraine headaches that last more than 48 hours. This particular migraine medicine is derived from a complex mixture of serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine.


    Metoclopramide is a migraine medicine designed to treat nausea and vomiting associated with migraine headaches. Its primary ingredient is benzoic acid.


    A more powerful form of treatment for migraines is a bultalbital combination, such as Butapap or Phrenlin Forte. Bultalbital is a sedative that reacts with aspirin and caffeine to alleviate migraine pain.


    Opiates, a narcotic used to treat extreme migraine headaches, are derived from chemical agents found within opium. It is the rarest form of migraine medicine due to its addicting nature.


    Mayo Clinic

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