• Much like any food allergy, allergic reactions to mushrooms can be mild or serious. According to, mushroom allergies are rare, making up only 1 percent of all allergies. However, it is important to know how to treat a mushroom allergy should a reaction occur.


    Symptoms of an allergic reaction to mushrooms include swelling, itching and burning in the mouth, vomiting, itching and hives on the body, and breathing difficulty. In severe cases, the throat may close up.


    When the body has an allergic reaction, it releases what are known as histamines into the blood. Antihistamine drugs such as Benadryl help stop this response and alleviate symptoms.


    Decongestants such as Sudafed can help people who have trouble breathing from an allergic reaction. However, they also can cause a rise in blood pressure.


    Steroids are often prescribed for people with severe allergic reactions. These medications, such as prednisone, act quickly to cut down inflammation but they have many side effects, such as mood swings and weight gain.


    If you experience stomach issues or cramping after eating mushrooms, this is a food intolerance and not an allergic reaction. Intolerance to food goes away on its own and the food causing the pain should be avoided.


    Mushroom Allergy


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