• Many people use tanning beds to make their skin appear darker than its natural color. However, frequent use of tanning beds can cause a number of dangerous health issues.

    Cancer Risk

    According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), "Long-term exposure to artificial sources of ultraviolet rays like tanning beds (or to the sun's natural rays) increases both men and women's risk of developing skin cancer." The NCI also claims that women using tanning beds more than once a month are 55 percent more likely to develop the most deadly form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma.

    Premature Aging

    "Tanning causes the skin to lose elasticity and wrinkle prematurely," states the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDA). Even if skin appears healthy after tanning or a sunburn, it may take on a leathery look many years later.

    Immune Suppression

    The USDA states, "UV-B radiation may suppress proper functioning of the body's immune system and the skin's natural defenses." By tanning, you could make yourself more vulnerable to diseases.

    Eye Damage

    "Exposure to UV radiation can cause irreversible damage to the eyes," claims the USDA. If you feel that you must use a tanning bed, wear proper eye-wear to protect your eyes from permanent damage.

    Allergic reaction

    The USDA also states, "Some people who are especially sensitive to UV radiation may develop an itchy red rash and other adverse effects." Check with your physician if you have any questions about your possible sensitivity to this radiation.


    U.S. Food and Drug Administration

    National Cancer Institute

    More Information:

    FDA: Tanning Products

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