• Eye pressure, also referred to as intraocular pressure (IOP), is an important indicator of eye health. An IOP that is too high can damage the optic nerve, eventually leading to blindness.


    An imbalance of eye pressure is caused by the drainage system of the eye not working correctly or an overproduction of fluid, causing fluid to stay in the eye.


    There are often no symptoms that can be detected without the aid of an ophthalmologist until damage to the eye sight has begun. Nausea, halos around lights and headaches can occur in cases where IOP is imbalanced due to glaucoma.

    Possible Effects

    Prolonged high IOP can cause permanent damage to the optic nerve. An IOP higher than 21 mm Hg can signify ocular hypertension (higher than normal pressure) or glaucoma.


    Tonometery is done by an ophthalmologist to measure the pressure inside the eye. If glaucoma is suspected, additional testing will be done.


    The most common treatments are oral medications that reduce or increase fluid in the eye and eye drops. In some cases, surgery to correct the drainage system is performed.

    Source: Eye Pressure Implications

    Glaucoma: The Perils of High Pressure

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