• Ammonia is a disinfectant found in many cleaning products. It produces a very strong and unique smell and can be very dangerous to use.

    Chlorine Gas

    If ammonia is accidentally mixed with chlorine, it will produce chlorine gas, which is toxic and will kill you if you breathe in too much. Chlorine is in many household products.


    Exposure to ammonia can cause irritation to the eyes. Extended or extreme exposure can cause scarring on the eye's cornea that is permanent.


    Breathing in the fumes of ammonia can irritate the lungs and extended or extreme exposure can result in chemical burns on the lungs. Strong fumes can cause large coughing and choking episodes.


    Exposure to ammonia can also irritate the skin and even leave chemical burns after extreme exposure.

    Dangerous to Store

    Ammonia also is dangerous to store in your house as it is highly flammable and presents a poison risk if small children are around.


    Ammonia Exposure Facts & Lawyers Legal Guide


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