• Many of the spices we use today are primarily grown in India. These spices, such as cardamom, cumin, clove, ginger, turmeric and coriander provide excellent medical benefits for the human body. Some of these benefits include improving digestion, cleaning bacteria from the mouth and preventing infections.


    Indian spices were widely used thousands of years ago. During ancient times, Greeks frequented South India to buy expensive treasures as well as Indian spices. Rome also spent a fortune on Indian spices during expeditions to India.


    Indian spices that offer excellent medical benefits include cardamom, cloves, cumin, turmeric, asafoetida, garlic, pomegranate and coriander. When coriander is crushed, then mixed with milk, it is used as an eye drop for conjunctivitis (swollen eyelids).


    There are a variety of health benefits associated with Indian spices. Cumin and cardamom are good for digestion and both spices make great breath fresheners when chewed. Turmeric cleanses the blood when taken internally and is an excellent remedy against poison. Cloves are useful for relieving toothaches.


    Common spices used in the U.S. today, such as ginger, cloves, cardamom, cumin, turmeric and saffron, are grown in the Indian subcontinent known as South Asia. These spices are then exported to the U.S for sale to consumers.


    Indian spices are often vibrant in color, strong in scent and rich in flavor. Turmeric has a bitter taste and is a bright yellowish orange color. The stains from this spice are almost impossible to remove from clothing.


    Web India 123: Indian Spices

    Cusine Cuisine: Indian Herbs

    Indianetzone: History of Indian Spices

    More Information:

    Web India 123: Indian Spices

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