• People who have a leaking bladder have trouble stopping the flow of urine. This problem is also known as urinary incontinence. Men and women of all ages can have this problem, but it is more common in older people.

    Temporary Causes

    A leaking bladder is often a symptom of certain infections. Urinary tract infections and bladder irritations are common causes. Once these infections are treated, your problem will usually go away. Another temporary condition that can cause bladder control problems is constipation.


    A common side effect of many medications is a leaking bladder. Alpha-blockers, antidepressants, antihistamines, sedatives and narcotics have all been known to have this side effect.


    Certain diseases, especially those that affect the nervous system, can cause a leaking bladder. Some of these diseases include: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

    Risk Factors

    Smoking has been known to irritate the bladder in some people. Obesity is also a cause of a leaking bladder. The excess fat reduces the muscle tone in the bladder and surrounding area, making it difficult to control urination.

    Additional Causes in Men

    While both men and women can have a bladder control problem, it is more common in women. If men do have a leaking bladder, it is often because of some type of prostate disease.


    eMedicineHealth: Bladder Control Problems

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