• A scalp massage is very relaxing and invigorating. A scalp massage can have many benefits if it is done properly. It can relieve headaches, stress, and even promote hair restoration.

    Stimulate Hair Restoration

    A scalp massage increases blood flow to the hair follicles, conditions the scalp, removes dry and dead skin cells, and strengthens hair roots, which in turn stimulates hair growth.


    Oils used during a scalp massage condition the scalp and help prevent breakage, brittleness, and split ends.

    Choosing a Good Oil

    If you suffer from brittle hair, split ends, and breakage, you should use sesame, lavender, or almond oil. Lavender, coconut, and rosemary oil work great on thinning hair. Coconut oil decreases shedding, while rosemary oil stimulates hair follicles and creates new hair growth.

    Scalp Massagers

    You can do your own scalp massage. You can go to, where a hair loss expert describes in detail how to perform a scalp massage correctly to get the best benefits. You can also have a friend give you a scalp massage or pay a professional.


    A professional scalp massage can cost anywhere from $30 to $150.


    Scalp Massage Stimulates Hair Growth

    Benefits of Scalp Massages

    Cost of Scalp Massage

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