• A circle symbolizes many things, from strength to the psyche. But what it means in the context of love is connectedness, wholeness, eternity and unity. It also stands for love under the banner of femininity.


    Connectedness is an important aspect of love, whether it is romantic love or familial love. All points in a circle wrap around and eventually reconnect, just as lovers or family hope to always be emotionally in touch with one another.


    Reflecting our concept of the universe, circles represent a boundary inside which everything in existence is contained. We feel whole and complete when we are in a loving relationship.


    The line making a circle is infinite---it continues round and round eternally, without end---and we hope a strong love relationship will also last for eternity.


    The shape made by people holding hands in a group is the circle. The same goes for two people holding hands. It thus represents unity, or the one that we become when we join hands. Making one unit out of two or more people is one of the most important functions of love.


    The circle has often been looked at as a symbol of the feminine because women are often identified with the traits described above, as well as with the concept of love. It can also represent the love between parents and children because of the roundness of pregnancy or the cycle of birth and parenting.


    Nexus Novel: Symbolism of the Circle

    More Information:

    Crossroad: Compendium of Symbols and Their Meanings

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