• Many people suffer calf strains from running or other activities. The best treatment depends on the severity of your calf strain.


    Calf strains are usually the result of overstretching, putting too much stress on the muscles, overworking the calves or a hard hit to the calf.


    Calf strains are graded according to the severity of the tears of the muscle. Grade 1 strains may have very minor tearing but minimal loss of function. Grade 2 strains have more than 10 percent of the muscle fibers torn. Grade 3 strains involve a complete tear of the muscle.

    After the Injury

    After you strain your calf, ice the muscle, elevate it and compress the muscle. Wait a day before you start to take anti-inflammatory medications.

    Resting Time Frame

    The resting time frame for calf injuries depends on the severity of the injury. Grade 1 strains may only need a few days of rest while a grade 3 strain can take several months and may even require surgery.

    Return to Activity

    When the tenderness is gone and you start to exercise again, heat and stretch the calf before exercising. Also do calf raises or other exercises to strengthen the muscle.


    Help minimize your chances of suffering a calf strain by stretching your calves and not overworking them.


    Aurora Healthcare: Calf Muscle Strain

    PhysioRoom: Calf Muscle Strain in Depth

    Sports Injury Clinic: Calf Strain

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