• India has a very diverse ecology and has thousands of plant and animal species. Some are considered sacred, such as the Lotus plant, and others are very dangerous, such as the Bengal Tiger. India also has one of the largest land mammals on the planet, the Indian Elephant.

    Lotus Plant

    The Lotus plant is the sacred flower of India and found throughout the country. It is a very fragrant flower that floats on the surface of fresh water.


    Orchids, also called dancing ladies, are found throughout most parts of India, according to The stem of the orchid buds often and produces flowers on a continuous cycle.

    Bougainvillea Plant

    The Bougainvillea plant, also known as the paper flower, is a woody shrub that grows to heights of 10 to 15 feet. It blooms flowers of orange, pink, white, cream and red all year long.

    Indian Elephant

    The Indian Elephant is one of the largest creatures on land, with males weighing up to 11,900 pounds and females weighing on average about 6,000 pounds. They eat about 330 pounds of food a day, consisting of bark, roots, leaves and grass.


    The Leopard of India has a sleek muscular body with short ears and big paws. Their short hair is brown with black spots.

    Bengal Tiger

    The Bengal Tiger, a subspecies of the tiger, is found throughout India. It has a reddish brown coat with black stripes. From head to body, an average male tiger will measure about six to nine feet in length and weigh between 400 and 600 pounds.


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