• Sometimes called AZT, zidovudine is a type of generic prescription medication known as an antiretroviral. Despite its effectiveness at slowing the progression of HIV, zidovudine poses a risk for side effects in some patients.

    Types of Side Effects

    In adults, the most common side effects of zidovudine include weakness, headache, malaise, loss of appetite, constipation and nausea. In children, common side effects include fever, enlargement of the liver or spleen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach inflammation, coughing, wheezing, ear pain or swelling, nasal congestion, skin rashes and swelling of the lymph nodes.

    Blood Counts

    Patients taking zidovudine may experience deficiencies in red or white blood cells as well as blood platelets, making regular bloodwork to monitor blood counts necessary, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms of abnormalities in blood clots include easy bruising or bleeding, fever, chills, throat soreness, pale skin and extreme fatigue.

    Drug Interactions

    Some antiviral medications like ganciclovir, interferon alfa and ribavirin increase the risk of low blood cell counts when taken with zidovudine, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


    Infrequently, zidovudine causes lactic acidosis, a life-threatening condition in which your blood becomes too acidic, warns the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Other risks associated with zidovudine include liver dysfunction and permanent changes in your body fat, which may cause a hump to appear on your back.


    Because its effects upon fetal development are unknown, doctors avoid prescribing zidovudine for use in pregnant women unless there is no safe alternative to treatment. If you have a history of anemia, neutropenia, obesity, kidney or liver disease, hepatitis or folate deficiency, it may not be safe for you to use zidovudine, the Mayo Clinic cautions.


    U.S. National Library of Medicine Daily Med: RETROVIR (zidovudine) capsule

    Mayo Clinic: Zidovudine (Oral Route)

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