• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Many Cats Benefit from Fish Flex

    Fish flex is a product that many cats benefit from. It is used to treat a large variety of different bacterial infections including skin infections and urinary infections. It is typically recommended that cats be given 10mg/lb. once each day until the bacterial infection has cleared up.

    On the Other: The FDA Hasn't Approved It for Pets

    This product, officially named Cephalexin, has not actually been approved for use by pets. It is only approved as a medical product for humans. Veterinarians do sometimes prescribe it, but it's considered an extra-label medication that may have serious side effects. Side effects for cats include vomiting, fever and allergic reactions resulting in itching or loss of breath.

    Bottom Line

    Fish flex isn't technically supposed to be given to pets to treat infections. However it is a product that is frequently purchased by cat owners who do have prescriptions from their vets. If your vet recommends this product, make sure that you ask about the potential side effects. Monitor your cat carefully while he or she is on this antibiotic.


    Cephalexin for Pets

    Facts About Fish Flex

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