• Look on the bottom of a chair, cart, or table that is easy to push around and odds are you will find a caster, a circular object that rotates when you push on the furniture.

    Definition of Caster

    Merriam Webster's dictionary defines a caster as "a set of wheels or rotating balls mounted in a swivel frame and used for the support and movement of furniture, trucks, and portable equipment."


    A wheel is one part of the caster, but a caster is not exclusively a wheel. The wheel of a caster is connected to a frame, also called a rig or bracket.

    Swivel Frame

    If a caster is on a swivel frame, then it is able to spin 360 degrees in any direction. The casters on shopping carts that allow the cart to turn are swivel casters, as are the casters on most office chairs

    Rigid Frame

    Casters on rigid frames can only move on a straight line. The two casters on the front of shopping carts are generally rigid casters, so that the cart can be pushed forward.

    Other Meanings

    A caster can also be a condiment stand that revolves, similar to a lazy susan. Powdered sugar shakers found at diners and on some kitchen tables are also called casters.


    Merriam Webster Online Dictionary: Caster

    Caster City: Casters - A Helpful Guide to Casters of All Types

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