• "Stock options" represent the opportunity to buy shares of a company's stock at a specified price at a certain point in the future. The higher the share price when the purchase window opens, the more profitable the option.


    Stock options give workers a direct stake in their company's financial performance beyond a regular paycheck.


    Options are issued with a date they can be exercised--often several years in the future--and a "strike price" at which shares can be purchased.


    In established companies, options help line up workers' interests with those of shareholders. In start-ups, they provide a powerful incentive to work to get the company to profitability


    Though stock options are most commonly associated with top executives, lower-level workers can and do receive options.


    Options can encourage executives and others to act for short-term gain--boosting the stock price just long enough to exercise the option--at the expense of long-term financial health of the company. And if the share price falls below the strike price when the purchase window opens, the options become worthless.


    Human Resources Internet Guide: Incentive Plans: Stock Options Incentive Stock Options

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