• Summer tires and snow tires are both created to provide good traction during different weather conditions. All-season tires attempt a happy medium, offering decent traction throughout the year.

    Tire Basics

    Tires grip the road with their rubber compound, keeping the car or truck in contact with the road surface for safety. Treads are designed to allow water to channel through tires without causing hydroplaning.

    Comparison to Snow Tires

    All-seasons have smaller treads than snow tires, and they are made of harder compounds than snow tires, which must remain flexible in extremely cold temperatures.

    Comparison to Summer Tires

    Summer tires are not generally used in soggy weather, so treads are smaller than in all-season tires to provide a larger patch of rubber to connect with the road surface.


    If you buy all-season tires, you can handle the majority of road conditions without having to switch out for a different set of wheels and tires.


    All-season tires are a compromise, so handling in warmer weather will never be as good as summer tires, and they won't allow a car to handle as well in wintry conditions compared to snow tires.


    List of Tire Types

    Passenger Car Tire Primer

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