• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Can Work Well

    Sometimes a parent has no choice but to make two opposite-sex siblings share a bedroom. For most children, this shouldn't be an issue. There are no state laws prohibiting it, though there may be rules at the city level regarding the number of people who can occupy a property of a certain size. Most siblings should be able to occupy the same bedroom regardless of gender.

    On the Other: Some Disadvantages

    As children grow older, they become more concerned with privacy and having their "own space." This can cause issues with sharing rooms in general, but especially if the siblings are of different sexes. Also, child protection agencies may raise an eyebrow at mixed-gender bedrooms if a family situation is being investigated. Certain rules regarding the issue may apply in the case of foster or adopted children.

    Bottom Line

    Use your best judgment as a parent to determine whether sharing bedrooms is right for your family. Sometimes, two siblings sharing a room just won't get along whether they are the same sex or not. If this is the case, it may be time to start looking for a larger living space. Be sensitive to your children's privacy concerns as they age.



    Growing Kids: Sharing a Bedroom

    More Information:

    Child Welfare Information Gateway: Parenting Laws and Resources

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