• Irregular menstrual cycles can be a source of concern for women who do not understand the cause of the irregularity. In many cases, a short, heavy, skipped or lighter period may be caused by a hormone imbalance.


    Marcelle Pick, a Nurse Practitioner in Obstetrics/Gynecology, discussed common causes of irregular periods on According to Pick, irregular periods--such as light periods--are almost always caused by an underlying hormonal imbalance.


    Hyperolactinemia is caused by an abundance of the hormone prolactin; it often results in short, irregular or light periods. The condition can be caused by stress, exercise, certain drugs or an underactive thyroid, among other causes.

    Secondary Amenorrhea

    Secondary amenorrhea occurs when the body has extremely low levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is responsible for ovulation and menstruation. The condition typically causes extremely light periods and may even cause menstruation to stop for several months.


    When the body is under stress, the adrenal glands secrete the hormone cortisol, which directly impacts the release of sex hormones. During a time of excessive stress, this hormone imbalance interrupts normal ovulation, resulting in lighter periods.


    To correct hormone imbalances, follow a healthy and balanced diet. Take a daily multivitamin as well. You should also get regular exercise; decrease your level of stress.


    Women To Women: Menstruation

    Teens Health: Coping With Common Period Problems

    Cushing's Help and Support: Testing For A Hormonal Problem

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