• When it comes to housework it is easy to overlook windowsills in a mobile home, or for that matter in any type of home. Windowsills left on their own for too long eventually need to be cleaned. Because they're exposed to outside air windowsills get a build up of dust, dirt and mold on them that can generally be cleaned with a few simple tools.

    Dust Removal

    Cleaning the plastic, metal or wood windowsills in your mobile home can be as simple as running your vacuum cleaner, and shouldn't take much time at all. The next time you vacuum your carpeting, use the attachment brush on your vacuum cleaner to suck up loose dirt and dust on the windowsill. If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, or have one without an attachment, a hand held vacuum will also do the job. Similarly, disposable dusting cloths will trap dust and dirt, and should be used regularly to keep sills clean. There are also wet cloths for this same purpose, and they are commonly used on tile or linoleum floors. However, do not use these types of products if your windo sills are made of wood. They are very wet, and too much moisture soaking into the wood can cause more mold build up or damage to the wood. For wooden windowsills, stick to the dry cleaning methods of vacuuming or dry cloths.

    Dirt Removal

    If the dirt is caked onto the windowsill of your mobile home and doesn't come off with just the vacuum cleaner, employ a little elbow grease to get the sill clean. Mix water and a mild dish detergent until soapy. Soak a soft, clean rag or wash cloth in this solution and scrub away at the stubborn, stuck-on dirt and grime. Remember you want to use as little water as possible on wooden windowsills, so proceed with care. Make sure to wring the rag out thoroughly so that it is only damp when applied to the windowsill; less water in the rag means that less water will seep out and risk damaging the wood in your sills. Once the area is clean, wipe it down with a rag soaked in plain water to remove any residual soap suds. You can then allow the area to air dry or wipe it down with a clean, dry towel.

    Stain Removal

    If you have particularly tough stains or mold spots on your windowsills, use a little rubbing alcohol. Rub it onto the stains with a clean cloth. To get into corners or hard-to-reach areas of your windowsills, consider cotton swabs or old toothbrushes. Only use rubbing alcohol on the areas where there are stains or mold. Again, remember that you want to use as little liquid as possible if the sills are made of wood, so a small dab with a cotton swab may be the way to go. When stains and mold are removed, rinse the area with clean water.

    Source: Tips for Window Cleaning Cleaning Tips

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