• A sulfa allergy describes the allergic reaction to medications that contain sulfonamides. Sulfonamides are typically found in both generic and name brand medication and generally, an ingredient in antibiotic prescription medication.

    Dapsone and Azulfidine

    If you have a sulfa allergy according to the Mayo Clinic "Sulfasalazine or Azulfidine (used to treat Crohn's disease) and Dapsone (used to treat leprosy, dermatitis and certain types of pneumonia) should be avoided."

    Medications to Avoid

    Aside from antibiotics, other medications that may contain sulfonamides are Lasix, Amary, Blynase, Microzide, Diabeta,and Micronase, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    Individuals with HIV may be more receptive to sulfonamides. However, the Mayo Clinic notes an allergic reaction from foods containing sulfonamides is rare.


    Symptoms of a mild sulfa allergy may include aching joints and muscles, swollen lymph nodes and skin rash. If the reaction is more severe symptoms may include, trouble breathing, dizziness and swelling of the throat.


    Treatment for an allergic reaction to sulfonamides may include topical, or oral over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl. In more serious case, emergency treatment may be required.


    Mayo Clinic - Sulfa Allergy

    WebMD- Sulfa Allergy

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