• Homeopathy is an alternative medical treatment which aims to cure disease by diluting very small amounts of substances in water. The water molecules in homeopathic remedies are then said to carry the energy signature of the original substance. In other words, on a chemical level, the only ingredient in true homeopathic human growth hormone (HGH) sprays is water.

    Human Growth Hormone

    Synthetic HGH is used by doctors to treat a deficiency of the natural growth hormone produced by the human body. Medical studies support its use to treat these patients and to help AIDS patients who are losing muscle mass.

    Illicit Use

    HGH was banned by the International Olympic Committee in 1989 because of its use by athletes as a performance enhancer. It is also used by some people who believe it will slow down the natural effects of aging.

    Principles of Homeopathy

    According to the theory of homeopathy, the practice works by using a very small dose of a substance, usually one which is toxic, diluted in water that is prepared in a special way. The resulting remedies are then said to cure the symptoms that the original substance caused.

    Homeopathic HGH Sprays

    According to the principles of homeopathy, a homeopathic preparation of HGH should not have the same effects as HGH. According to the principles of chemistry, homeopathic HGH is nothing but water. Either way, it cannot reasonably be claimed to work in the same way as actual HGH.

    Purpose of Designation

    Since the use of medical HGH is restricted, savvy marketers use the "homeopathic HGH" designation to imply that their products contain HGH, while they still pass all legal tests because they have no detectable traces of HGH in them.

    Other Ingredients

    Sprays labeled as "homeopathic HGH" may also contain other ingredients. Read labels carefully before assuming they are harmless.


    Mayo Clinic: Human Growth Hormone

    National Center for Homeopathy: What Is Homeopathy?

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