• Optical neurosis is one of the symptoms that about 66 percent of people who have MS will experience at one time or another. It is often the first symptom someone may have with multiple sclerosis. Several treatments are available


    Symptoms of optical neurosis include blurring, seeing things as being gray or having less color, and having a loss of vision, sometimes only in one eye. Pain may or may not be present, and if it is may present as dull, having pressure, or a piercing type of pain.


    Intravenously administered methylprednisolone, along with a course of oral steroids, can help with inflammation and improve vision faster.


    Some people with optical neurosis from MS may benefit from a plasma exchange treatment.


    Some people who have MS optical neurosis symptoms may benefit from immunomodulators, such as interferon beta-1a, or an IV-administered immunoglobulin treatment.


    Some people who have a mild case of optical neurosis, and have no other symptoms of MS, such as lesions on the brain, may do well with no treatment and see all symptoms leave on their own.


    National MS Society: Optic Neurosis

    WebMD: Optic Neurosis

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